Saturday 17 April 2010


Before you answer the question, think about the previous blog on Prejudice...

Although none of us would like to freely admit it, there is always a little racist person in the back of our minds; the person that brings up all the stereotypes that they’ve accumulated over the years. But however much importance we give racism, the more comical it becomes.

This is thanks to the comedians that we watch on the box. But have you ever noticed how none of the white comedians joke about race? It is always the ethnic minorities that tell the racist jokes. Why is this? Maybe because they feel that they feel that they are allowed to?

Lets be honest here. How likely is it for Michael McIntyre to say something racist in a joke compared to the infamous Chris Rock? Racism has become so humorous now that many people feel that they are allowed the make these comments too! And when someone else does it, its not frowned upon like it would have been before…Instead everyone (well, most people) strive to see the funny side in order to dodge conflict.

So why not just avoid it?? Because we don’t know who the racists are.

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