Thursday 15 April 2010


[Warning: All statements are biased and based on stereotypes]

Infidelity is basically more commonly known as cheating; although there are a dozen other words and phrases for it. The main ones are:
Having an affair
Having a fling
Partaking in an extra curricular activity

In the lecture, many serious points were raised.
What if you were married?
What if the partner knew and was ok with it?
What if there was a threesome with the partner involved?
What if the infidelity was masturbation?

Admittedly, I don’t see how the last scenario is cheating. If a person is pleasuring themselves, surely that cannot be classified as cheating as there is no third (OR SECOND!) party involved.

However, I do feel that infidelity does create a gaping hole in people’s lives that they fill with other ‘bad’ things- such as lying, gossip and manipulation. So if one bad thing leads to much more, why bother? As I’ve said in a few of my other posts, many do a lot of ‘bad’ things just ‘because’. For the thrill.
Here is a link that indicates the top seven reasons for infidelity:

In society, it is looked at from two different view points. If a man commits an act of infidelity he is considered a player and scum. But if a woman cheats, she is known as a slut. Why is it that society looks at one act in a different manner based on who has done it? It’s not fair that the woman has to either live with the knowledge that she is either a slag or that her man cheated on her. Bring a woman, it would hurt her. But a man would just brush it off.

But of course this doesn’t make it alright. Infidelity is wrong. Sure, there are people out there that will gladly defend infidelity – claiming that it is natural act in our society. However, just because it is common, does not make it correct or even natural.

So in conclusion: Don’t do it. Simples.

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