Wednesday 17 February 2010

First Lecture: Being Bad

The first lecture usually holds the base of all judgements that a student has regarding future attendance: if the lecture is interesting, they’ll turn up. But I was more than interested as soon as the lecture announced that we weren’t present to make any judgments whatsoever.

Admittedly, I was a little put off by the amount of people present, but the lecturer made up for it by being a normal adult; in other words- loud, fun and down right vulgar! :D
It’s at times like this where I question my own morality. For my friends that sat beside me would cringe at the vulgarity. As though saying the word ‘vagina’ out loud would make them ill. Where I, in fact I found the whole discussion animated and hilarious, I thought twice before laughing too hard, too loud.

However, after the lecture, I was compelled to wonder…Did I honestly live my life in accordance to what other people deem correct and right and wrong? Surely I have the ability to make such judgements for myself. But if that was the case, why is it that I try so hard to conform to the premade rules and regulations?

Here is a link to the philosophical encyclopedia that defines the term Morality. I suppose this link would show how I feel about everyones 'opinions' on what is moral and what is not... Yeah! This is my way of sticking it to the man!

The lecture opened my eyes regarding what certain people considered being bad. For me, disobeying my parents’ judgement was wrong enough; but according to some of the members in the class, that could be considered expected teenage behaviour. I look forward to uncovering the truths of the extent of what truly constitutes as ‘being bad’.

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