Tuesday 23 February 2010


I didn’t think that I would be interested in this lecture, but I was pleasantly surprised at all the issues that were raised.

Many children grow up with the knowledge that lying is wrong and that they should never resort to it. The concept of lying with integrity was neer discussed amongst parents and children. Lying to help someone, or allow them to have happiness is a lot more known nowadays than it was in the past. But the point of whether lying with integrity (selflessly) can be in ones own interest.

Admittedly, I had to think about that one. But again, my classmates helped me out by suggesting that lying on ones CV to ensure that they got a good/stable job. It was implied that lying would almost always guarantee you a job… Looks like I should be taking notes from the professionals!

I thought long and hard about whether I had done such a thing and realised that I always have and still do today. My example is probably very similar to many other girls my age.

I once told my brother’s girlfriend that she was pretty, where in true fact my brother can do so much better!
The point of the story is that I told my brother’s girlfriend that she was pretty so that she could keep my brother occupied. That way I wouldn’t have to worry about what I get up to in university. Of course, I love my brother. So, one of the reasons for telling the girl that my brother was mega interested in her was to see him happy. But I would be lying if I said that I didn’t see the ultimate selfish gain.

Unfortunately, this has had a negative impact in some way. It means that no matter how difficult my brother tries, he cannot break up with her…. Ah well…


My brothers problems aside, my opinion of lying varies. Sure enough we all lie at some point of our lives. It’s a normal thing (as can be seen in the film the invention of lying) to do. It’s always been a means for selfish gain and in ways will remain so. Of course there are a few people who do lie for other people but in the end, it always comes down to self interest and self benefit.

The term lying means to deviate from the truth and fabricate another story and pose it as the truth. In all societies this is wrong. But it is a norm of all those societies also. It is accepted as being ‘one of those things’ where it shouldn’t be.
However on another note, lying sure as hell has gotten me out of a few rough scrapes :P
And this is how i did it:

1 comment:

  1. hey aruge! the information you have provided its really good its true as you grow up you are told that lying is wrong but people lie for different reasons. some people lie for good reason and others just like lying i guess
